Sotherton Marriage

From Suffolk Records Office

MALE FEMALE banns marriage where ipo add' info
Thomas Fairechild of Henham Susan Fisk of Henham


20/04/1647 Sotherton



James Fiske of Blyford Margaret Whittle sp otp


27/09/1754 Sotherton John Whittle James Elmy Rector William Leach Both signed X
Samuel King of Bulcamp Jane Fisk otp


1772 Sotherton John Gooch John Gooch jnr Rector William Leach Both signed
Joseph Fisk otp Hannah Blaxill otp


30/06/1806 Sotherton Mary Blaxill Lucy Hambling Rector Thomas Sheriffe Both signed
David Fisk -otp Eliza Goddard 15-22-29 oct 1815

